Home » Supporting Documentation » 5. Working with Children Checks

5. Working with Children Checks


All staff, volunteers and committee members have a current WWC Check (issued in Victoria) OR Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registration irrespective of whether they have regular contact with students.

Copies of all WWC Checks or VIT registration must be kept on file at the CLS. WWC Checks which have been issued in other states are not valid in Victoria.

National police checks or other kinds of criminal checks are not acceptable.


List of WWC Checks or VIT registrations for all staff, volunteers and committee members, using the required template.


The following template must be used:

DOWNLOAD (docx): WWC Check/VIT Registration Template (updated July 2024)

Links to further information

Working with Children Checks: http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/.

Instructions for submission

Required template: Yes, see above

Required format: Word

Required filename: 05_workingwithchildren

Additional notes: Copies of cards are not required on submission, but may be requested later