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9. First Aid qualifications


At least one staff member present at each CLS campus must hold a current First Aid certificate which meets minimum Department requirements from an accredited Australian provider.

There must be one qualified member of staff present at each campus of the CLS – qualified staff members cannot be shared between campuses unless it is clear that campuses do not operate concurrently.

Note: CPR training (HLTAID009) must be refreshed every year.

Non-accredited courses are not acceptable. To register for an approved first aid course contact CLV.


Copies of current First Aid certificates for one staff member at each campus for either of the following approved courses:

  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid; or
  • HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting

A separate list of certificate holders using the required template.


The following template must be used:

DOWNLOAD (docx): First Aid Qualifications Template (updated July 2024)

Instructions for submission

Required template: Yes, see above

Required format: PDF or Word

Required filename: 09_firstaid

Additional notes: Collate the copies of the certificates and the completed template into a single document.