Home » Supporting Documentation » 8. Emergency Management Plan

8. Emergency Management Plan


An emergency management plan (EMP) for each campus detailing how the CLS will prepare for and respond to emergency situations.


An EMP using the required template. The EMP must include:

  • emergency services contact numbers
  • names and mobile phone numbers for team members from the school with specific responsibilities in emergency situations
  • a detailed description of steps to be taken in a wide range of emergency situations in order to ensure the safety of students and staff
  • an up-to-date area map which gives an aerial view of the campus and labels neighbouring streets, external evacuation routes from relevant school buildings, and an evacuation assembly area
  • an up-to-date evacuation plan showing the internal evacuation routes from all classrooms used by the school, as well as the location of fire extinguishers (where applicable), exits and the evacuation assembly area.


The following template must be used:

DOWNLOAD (docx): CLS Emergency Management Plan Template (updated July 2024)

Instructions for submission

Required template: Yes, see above

Required format: Word or PDF

Required filename: 08_emergency

Additional notes: Schools with more than one campus should create separate documents for each campus and should add the suburb name to the end of the filename, e.g. “08_emergency_lalor”