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6. Curriculum



A curriculum in place for all year levels that:

  • is aligned to the Victorian Curriculum F-10, Languages
  • includes activities that address speaking, listening, reading, and writing
  • includes activities that reflect the intercultural dimension of a languages program.


A curriculum in place for four-year-old preschool children that:

  • is aligned to the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)



a) CLS seeking accreditation for the first time must submit:

  • a single, well-developed unit of work for one level/combination of levels; or
  • a broad scope and sequence overview of the year’s curriculum for each level/combination of levels for the entire year.

b) CLS applying for reaccreditation must submit:

  • a single, well-developed unit of work for one level/combination of levels.

If the CLS offers more than one language, then it must provide a separate document for each language as part of its accreditation documentation.

A CLS that submits a scope and sequence document must submit a unit of work in the next accreditation round. To assist with this, professional learning support on curriculum planning and writing is provided by CLV.

Languages for which there is no specific curriculum currently available may adopt the VCAA scope and sequence documents for either of the following language categories:

  • Non-Roman Alphabet Languages (e.g. Burmese, Russian, Serbian)
  • Roman Alphabet Languages (e.g. Croatian, Somali, Swedish).

CLS that are DE approved to deliver a preschool program: a copy of the VEYLDF curriculum.


CLS that have been approved to deliver a preschool program must submit:

  • A learning plan aligned to the practice principles and learning and development outcomes of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)


Unit of Work

A unit of work template is available below, as well as a sample unit of work for German. Note that CLS are still required to have and deliver a full curriculum for all year levels.

DOWNLOAD (docx): Template for Unit of Work (updated July 2024)
DOWNLOAD (pdf): Sample Unit of Work for German (updated July 2024)

Scope and Sequence Document

Scope and sequence documents for the following languages are available from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. The links below are to PDF versions of the documents on the VCAA site – clicking on the links will download the files directly from the VCAA server.

If your language is not listed, you may use the generic scope and sequence documents for Roman Alphabet and Non-Roman Alphabet languages; links to these files on the VCAA site are listed further below.

Please select the relevant scope and sequence document for your school, e.g. if your school only teaches between Prep (Foundation) and Level 6, download only that document (Foundation-Level 6), rename it according to the naming conventions in the guidelines (i.e.”14_curriculum.pdf”), and forward it with your application.

If your school teaches Year 7 (and above), download the appropriate Levels 7-10 document, rename it according to the naming conventions in the guidelines (i.e.”14_curriculum.pdf”), and forward it with your application.

If you have more than one scope and sequence document to provide, please combine them as a single PDF.








Modern Greek




Languages for which there is no specific curriculum currently available may adopt the scope and sequence documents provided for either of the following, as appropriate:

Non-Roman Alphabet Languages (eg. Burmese, Russian, Serbian)

Roman Alphabet Languages (eg. Croatian, Somali, Swedish)

Links to further information

Victorian Curriculum F-10, Languages: http://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au/languages/introduction/about-the-languages

Instructions for submission

Required template: Yes, see above

Required format: Word or PDF

Required filename: 06_curriculum

Additional notes: Schools teaching more than one language should submit separate documents for each language and should add the language name to the end of the filename, e.g. “05_curriculum_norwegian”