Home » Supporting Documentation » 4. Child Safe Standards

4. Child Safe Standards


All CLS must demonstrate compliance with the Child Safe Standards.

All CLS staff, volunteers and committee members must undertake regular mandatory Child Safe training with CLV. To book Child Safe Training contact CLV.

Note: Compliance with the Child Safe Standards (including whether nominated Child Safe Officers have participated in the required training) will be checked with CLV.


Indicate on the application form the name of the Child Safe Officer at each campus.

Copies of the following documents:

  • a copy of the school’s Child Safe Policy (signed by Principal)
  • a copy of the school’s Code of Conduct template
  • a copy of the school’s Code of Conduct Attestation Register (signed by all staff after reading the school’s Code of Conduct, with all signatures countersigned by the Principal)
  • a copy of one CLS committee meeting agenda and accompanying minutes that demonstrates ongoing commitment to the Child Safe Standards. This document must be in English or accompanied by full English translation.


      Links to further information


      Instructions for submission

      Required template: Yes (except for agenda/minutes)

      Required format: Word or PDF

      Required filenames:

      • 04_childsafepolicy
      • 04_childsafecode
      • 04_childsafeattestation
      • 04_childsafeminutes