Student enrolment forms for each student enrolled at the CLS to be kept on file.
Preschool child enrolment forms for each child enrolled at the CLS to be kept on file.
A blank copy of the CLS’s official student enrolment form which includes:
- Student Australian residency status (including whether student is an international student)
- Privacy Collection Notice (using approved wording)
- Parent/Guardian Privacy Consent and Declaration (using approved wording)
- Photography consent (using approved wording)
The approved wording is contained in the template.
NOTE: A CLS approved to deliver a preschool program must have a separate preschool enrolment form
DOWNLOAD (docx): CLS Enrolment Form Template (updated July 2024)
Instructions for Submission
Required template: Yes, see above
Required format: PDF or Word
Required filename: 10_enrolment
Additional notes: The document submitted should be blank, i.e. it should not contain a student’s details.